OBS Studio

OBS layout for talking head + slides videos

For perfect wallpaper blending, PowerPoint slide background should be a 1920x1080 render of the 1680x945 crop area of the canvas wallpaper.


Preflight check for recording meetups

  • Microphones: set gain on Anker receiver to +6
  • Microphones: line of sight between mics and receiver - receiver can’t be “backstage”
  • Microphones: remember to press record on the receiver!

Scale Factors for Video Frame Sizes

Ratio Fraction 3840px 2160px 1920px 1080px 1280px 1024px 720px
0.9 9/10 3456 1944 1728 972 1152 921.6 648
0.875 7/8 3360 1890 1680 945 1120 896 630
0.85 17/20 3264 1836 1632 918 1088 870.4 612
0.825 33/40 3168 1782 1584 891 1056 844.8 594
0.8 4/5 3072 1728 1536 864 1024 819.2 576
0.775 31/40 2976 1674 1488 837 992 793.6 558
0.75 3/4 2880 1620 1440 810 960 768 540
0.725 29/40 2784 1566 1392 783 928 742.4 522
0.7 7/10 2688 1512 1344 756 896 716.8 504
0.675 27/40 2592 1458 1296 729 864 691.2 486
0.65 13/20 2496 1404 1248 702 832 665.6 468
0.625 5/8 2400 1350 1200 675 800 640 450
0.6 3/5 2304 1296 1152 648 768 614.4 432
0.575 23/40 2208 1242 1104 621 736 588.8 414
0.55 11/20 2112 1188 1056 594 704 563.2 396
0.525 21/40 2016 1134 1008 567 672 537.6 378
0.5 1/2 1920 1080 960 540 640 512 360
0.475 19/40 1824 1026 912 513 608 486.4 342
0.45 9/20 1728 972 864 486 576 460.8 324
0.425 17/40 1632 918 816 459 544 435.2 306
0.4 2/5 1536 864 768 432 512 409.6 288
0.375 3/8 1440 810 720 405 480 384 270
0.35 7/20 1344 756 672 378 448 358.4 252
0.325 13/40 1248 702 624 351 416 332.8 234
0.3 3/10 1152 648 576 324 384 307.2 216
0.275 11/40 1056 594 528 297 352 281.6 198
0.25 1/4 960 540 480 270 320 256 180
0.225 9/40 864 486 432 243 288 230.4 162
0.2 1/5 768 432 384 216 256 204.8 144

Microphone settings for YouTube videos

Yeti stereo microphone over USB.

  1. Adjust the physical mic: gain to 100%, pattern to cardiod: yeti-volume-settings-small

  2. Set recording level in Windows audio settings to 50%:


  3. Adjust levels in OBS until shouting/clapping into the mic just clips the top of the red.

  4. Add compression using default settings.

Recording Greenscreens

Canon EOS, Manual movie mode:

shutter speed 1/50 second (I have no idea whether this works because it’s 50FPS or what)

F8.0, film speed 640

White balance: set the Keylights to 5500K and the camera white balance to the same.
